Step It Up with Stef

If you have any questions or want to start working together please connect with me here!



Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: It’s most important to find a balanced routine and program that works for you and the demands of your life. I also believe you need to enjoy and have fun in your workouts! I build in times for both fitness growth as well as maintenance and rest. All are equally important to ensure you reach your goals.

  • A: Keep in mind that everyone has their own unique expectations and experiences. I have several clients that begin to feel a change within themselves in as little as two weeks! Remember that this work is about creating sustainable, lasting lifestyle changes so stay focused and consistent, and no doubt you will see the results!

  • A: Absolutely not, there are many other ways to measure progress that do not require a scale. The choice is always yours.

  • A: To ensure overall balanced health, we will do both! How much of each is based on you and your specific needs. I’ll be able to determine this during my detailed assessment when we begin our work together.

  • A: No, I am not your coach for that, but I can refer you to the best one for the job!

  • A: Yes, payments plans are determined by the package you choose and can be discussed during a consultation call

  • A: Your first payment is due 24hrs prior to our first session.


 I’m so excited to work with you!